Create a light up circuit with homemade play dough! Principles Learned - Electronics: Conductive, Insolating, power, LED
Prototype 3 circuits using a breadboard kit. "Challenge" circuits for the kids to build at home. Principles Learned - Electronics: Voltage, Current, Resistor, Power
Motors! Using magnets, copper wire and some batteries students will build a simple motor. While building a motor, they will learn about the physics behind how a motor works and why it spins! Principles Learned - Physics: Magnets, Current, Magnetic Field, Force, RPM
Using rubber bands and a precut catapult design, students will build and test a simple catapult. Principles Learned - Physics: Force, mass, petential engergy, kinetic energy, torque
Learn about polymers in chemistry while making sticky, gooey slime! Principles Learned - Chemistry: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Polymers, molecules
Build a simple light up circuit!
Create a motorized circuit with homemade play dough! Principles Learned - Electronics: Conductive, Insolating, power, LEDs, motors
Curious about how to bring STEM into the class room? Send us a note and we can brainstorm together!
Bring in Tinker the Robot to conduct hands on Engineering Design Challenges!